The Workings Of The Insurance

Hasil gambar untuk asuransi  - The Workings Of The Insurance

The insurance business is a business taking over from the customer to bear the risk of the insurance company. How to close risks is to use funds accumulated premiums paid to cover customer claims affected customer/risk.

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Simply put, take for example a bevy of traders there's 100 people who are members of insurance by paying a premium Rp3 million. The accumulation of total premium collected is Rp300 million. An estimated 100 people from merchants, there are five people who affected with losses each of Rp50 million bringing the total losses were Rp250 million.

The insurance company acts as the insurer risk using the accumulation of premiums to cover the risk of claims affected merchants. While not affected dependents could not receive from insurance companies.

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Insurance companies work process is divided into 3 phases sederahana, namely: 
  •  Attract clients 
Insurance companies offer products and looking for someone who would be a customer. The insurance company will split any buyer of the insurance policy holder or into different parts. So, if you are using health insurance, there will be mixed with the life insurance or otherwise. Insurance will cover any losses you according to the amount taken policyholders. 

  • Collecting premiums
    The customer will be given a premium payment schedules is usually done every month. Through this premium payment then the amount of money from each customer will be processed in order to overcome the problems experienced by other clients and claims to insurance companies. So, a system run by insurance companies is the rotation of money from clients to cover the risks experienced by other clients.
  • Pay a claim
    In case of a claim of the customer experiencing the risk, the insurance company must pay in accordance with the provisions. The insurance company will ensure the incident over claims that the customer is done totally accident and not a deliberate incident. In clause the policy, usually indicated agreement that if events have an element of deliberate action, damages shall not be granted insurance companies.
    Have insurance will help you to no longer fear again face the future. If more ready to face the future, will all run more safe and comfortable to run. Understand the workings of the above insurance companies make you the more firmly to join insurance programs. 

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