Understanding Insurance And Insurance Law

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sinarpuisi.blogspot.co.id - In the quotation from wikipedia, that insurance is a term used to refer to the action, system, or business where financial protection to people, property, health and so on to get the turn of events that not predictable as death, loss, damage, or illness which involves the payment of a premium in terartur within a certain period in Exchange for a guarantee of the protection policy. The term "insured" usually refers to everything that is protection.

Insurance legal basis in Act No. 2 Year 1992 about venture perasuransian is an agreement between two or more parties, in which the insurer committing yourself to the insured, by accepting the insurance premiums, to provide replacement to the insured because of the loss, damage or lost profits expected legal liability or third party that may be suffered by the insured, arising from an event which is uncertain, or providing a payment that based upon his life someone who died or dipertanggungkan.

The Agency distributes risk called "the insured", and the Agency accepts the risk of so-called "insurer". The agreement between the two bodies is called policy: this is a legal contract that outlines each of the terms and conditions are reserved. Costs paid by the "insured" to "insurer" for the risk borne by the so-called "premium". This is usually determined by the "insurer" for funds that can be claimed in the future, the administrative expenses, and profit.

An example: a couple buying a home costing $ million. Knowing that lost their homes will lead them to financial ruin, they take insurance protection in the form of home ownership policy. The policy will pay for replacement or repair their houses in case of disasters. Insurance companies about their premiums amounting to Rp1 million per year. The risk of losing the House have been channeled from the homeowner to the insurance company.
